Did you know that colour blindness (colour vision deficiency, or CVD) affects approximately 1 in 200 females, but is much more common in males, where statistics say that it can be found in 1 of 12 boys?
Well, John Watson is one of those unlucky number ones.
John's life is rather miserable. His only company is a kid called Mike Stamford, a chatterbox who looks up to John as if he was a superhero, which he really isn't.
At school, John is constantly harassed by Sebastian Moran and his cronies, who go out of their way to make sure his life is awful. At home, his parents hardly even notice that he's there
Sherlock is a wierdo, at least, that's what they say. He burys his head in science and books and struggles to empathise with others. To the people around him, he is, to put it simply, a freak. How very wrong they are.
Two different teenagers
Two different lives
Two different personalities.
What will happen when they meet?
Oh I don't know, let's just hope it doesn't end in heartbreak.