Here are some quick facts about me: 1. My name is Emma Marie Tomlinson. 2. I'm the youngest of three. 3. I have an older brother, Jordan, and an older sister, Mariah. 4. My parents are Louis and Katie Tomlinson. Yes, Louis Tomlinson, as in One Direction's Louis Tomlinson. 5. A lot of people know me because of that. 6. I like the fame, I just wish it was because I'm me, not who I'm the daughter of. 7. I was born on the 29th of August 2026. So sharing my birthday with Liam Payne only adds to the fame. 8. My parents hadn't exactly planned on having me. But they still love me just as much as the other two. 9. While Jordan looks a lot like dad and Mariah looks a lot like mum, I am pretty nicely balanced with who I look like. 10. I'm almost 14 years old. 11. I recently got accepted into the Los Angeles Academy of Arts. LAAA for short. Weird acronym, I know. But, it's the most prestigious school for arts in the entire world! But, if you want to know that story, I have to go back to the beginng.