Dreams, wishes, hopes. These aspects of this warrior's life. One night under the stars, the prince without a kingdom, makes the decision of making a wish. Things have been going rather dreadful for the saiyan, with everything that has happened to him, he beings to lose sit of his faith. One night, Vegeta snuck out of the house, and went out flying,
Landing in the middle of a pasture, he sits on a stone, looking up to the sky he spots a shooting star, making a wish...
A wish that changed everything in an blink of an eye. The next morning he wakes up in his bed...As normal, the phone abruptly rings, answering without thinking, his eyes widens to the tone of voice on the other line...
And so...it commence...
A genetic disease has been known to be incurable on her planet. She refuses to sit around and just let it take her life at such a young age. Thus, she chooses to go out and look for it herself to other possible planets with civilization. In hopes of finding the cure, she may even find something worth living for aside from her family. She will fight to stay alive if she has to...
Unbeknownst to her, an insane mass murderer tails her to no end... Who could this murderer be and why would they be chasing the poor girl? With the murderer on the loose, alternate lives...are at stake.