It is the year 2094, many of the people of the Earth were sound asleep in their bed without a care in the world awaiting the following day to begin, yet there was one specific person up, whom was inside a dimly lit room fixing his camera. He doesn't usually sleep like he should, he typically stays up late fixing stuff for his costumers. He is the only person in town who has a quick repair store, who can fix basically everything. Inside of the dimly lit room he wiped his forehead off with his hand towel, it was stained with dark grease and stenches of sweat, it feels like a million degrees outside, which causes the extreme sweat, it doesn't help that his apartment has no AC. The land lord refused to fix it because the part of the town they live in is extremely poor, most people of the area have no wifi. He mumbled something as the radio which he has been listening to went off "BREAKING NEWS, THERE ARE FLESH EATING MONSTERS ON THE RUN RIGHT NOW, THE UPTOWN SCIENTISTS EXPERIMENTAL GAS LEAKED OUT, WHICH TURNS YOU INSANE, BE CAREFUL OF THE MONSTERS AND PUT ON YOUR MASKS, IF YOU INHALE THE GAS OR GET BITTIN YOU WIL BECOME ONE OF THEM, THIS IS NOT A WARNING. I REPEAT THIS IS NOT A WA-" there was screams coming through the radio and it went off with static, red lights and loud sirens were now going off. He quickly threw aside his towel and opened the locked cabinet that held a gas mask, three guns, five knifes, ten lighters and canned food. He finally found the mask and put it on making sure it was in place correctly, he then took a deep breath and packed everything that was inside the cabinet in a huge bag. --- Read on this story with Toby and some of his new friends xx kyleAll Rights Reserved
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