Love isn't Jst an English word with 2 vowel and 2 consonant.... Love is d feeling dat made mi realize this without being an English student....jes kidding..... Love is that sweet feelings words cant express In totality.... Isn't Jst about she being ur girlfriend or u being her boyfriend it's bout two different ppl sharing one connection and moving in one direction... D heart beats as one and d mind travels miles together..... Love isnt just about saying or doing its bout sincerity in wah u say or do..... Love is wen someone else happiness iz aal u think Of.... Love is wen their smiles trickles that Joy in u and their laughter means the world to u....Love isnt about knowing a person for a century or's about knowing Wre u heading with a person...... Love is that feelings that make u feel high in ur low times and always force the smiles through the tears..... Love is what remains after aal the wears and tears of life.....All Rights Reserved
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