Mirror, Mirror, on the wall,
You'll turn ruby as you fall...
Mirror, Mirror, on the wall,
No more fairest of them all...
Ebony lives in the Mirror Palace, where the Crystal Queen rules all she sees. At least, Ebony thinks she's alive. No one seems to be able to see her--not even Ebony herself, when she looks into a mirror. The only time anyone notices Ebony is during the day, when they walk past her in the gardens--or use her for various things, such as a coat rack or a convenient shadow-caster. During these moments, Ebony wants nothing more than to speak, to be heard--but Ebony can't speak, or move, or even breathe, because Ebony is little more than a statue, frozen in marble.
She doesn't know why she comes alive after the sun sets, or why she can run all the way into the Faerie Forest and still find herself back in the gardens once the moon is gone.
Ebony doesn't know much of anything at all, except that she loves Prince Castor, who spends every afternoon reading in the shade she casts, and that she fears the Crystal Queen.
Ebony believes that she'll be trapped in marble forever, but with the arrival of Henric, a huntsman hired by the Crystal Queen to track a rare white hart, her fate begins to change...
Book One in the Neverland Archives (they do NOT have to be read in order! This is merely for the history of the world). #SnowWhiteRetelling
©2016 Eon Ice. All rights reserved. An original work is protected under copyright law as soon as it is fixed in a tangible form. This material may not be reproduced, displayed, modified or distributed without the express prior written permission of the copyright holder. (Basically, if you steal this, I can and will sue your butt off. It's mine.)جميع الحقوق محفوظة