In the realm of Ryos, humanity was under the threat of extinction in the hands of shadowy creatures known as "Voids". These beings seek to evolve and grow stronger by devouring things that contain "Ether"-the energy of life.
As a final means of defence, humanity erected 4 great fortresses known as "Sanctums". Each Sanctum is surrounded by a massive barrier that keeps the Voids at bay. However, this was not enough. In order to survive, humanity had to fight back.
Thus, the "Exorcists" were born. An elite group of fighters tasked with ridding Ryos of Voids. Each Exorcist possessed control over Ether and is granted a "Soul Gear", a special weapon made of Ether that they can call upon at will using the command "realize".
Thus begins a tale of a special pair of Exorcists. One that holds the survival of humanity in their hands.