It is important to see a dental team at least every six months for a cleaning and check up. This is usually sufficient when gums are healthy with minimal to no bleeding and the patient follows a good oral regimen and a healthy lifestyle. However, more frequent visits may be needed if: º There is profuse bleeding when brushing your teeth. º Gum infections are present º Teeth are loose º Teeth are shifting º Teeth are missing º You are a smoker º You have a chronic illness º You take several medications º You don't follow a good oral care routine During a dental visit, the dentist will do a clinical evaluation, including measuring gum pockets and taking necessary radiographic films. A diagnosis of chronic periodontal disease (gum disease) might be determined. There are several stages of severity of gum disease, with different treatment. The most conservative and non-surgical approach would be a procedure called scaling and root planing, which is done under local anesthesia. Surgery may be needed adjunct to the non-surgical approach. Even after treatment of gum disease, more frequent visits to the dentist will be needed. Chronic adult gum disease is a chronic illness. It never goes away. There is no cure for gum disease, however, regular diligent home care, responsibility by the individual and visiting the dentist more frequently for maintenance will help control the disease. Rights Reserved