When I was in high school I was in one of my classes, and so the bell rang it was time for next period as I was walking to my next class I heard banging, it was someone knocking on the door and it was raining outside so I saw that person locked out of the school campus and so he was trying to go inside the school so I started laughing and so someone let him in and he asked me what are you laughing at I said nothing and so I got kind of scared because I did not know that guy and I have class with that person and so later on that day around lunch time he came to my next period in my next class and he came and asked me did I scare you I said yeah and so he apologized and said sorry and he gave me a hug and told me his full name and about his Music Career he told me he was from Fresno, California and that he is a popular rapper so I started listening to his music and liking his music and since then we been close friends and until this day I support him through out his Music CareerAll Rights Reserved