"You're not serious" I say, my voice lacking confidence. "I'm sorry ma'am, I wish I wasn't. It doesn't look good. I recommend you get down here right away." He says, then he hangs up. I take a few deep breaths, and hear the laughter from the living room. I left the tv on... I numbly walk in and shut it off, then it clicks. He needs me now. I may lose him. I sprint up the stairs, grab my purse and keys, and run out the door. He needs me now. I might lose him. He needs me now. I might lose him. This runs through my head until I blare the radio, then it clicks. I need to call her. "Hello." She answers. "Hey." I reply and I hear a happy laugh. "Hey Darcy, love!" "You need to get down here right away, your son needs you now.. It doesn't look good." I say, and I hear all the happiness gone. "Be there as soon as I can." She says, right to the point, then hangs up. Finally it sets in. He may not make it. I may lose him forever. I choke back a sob, and floor the car.