Story revolves around the protagonist Rakshit who found his first love in his Nayi Padosan, Asmita Mathur. Beside love story, Rakshit has a surrounding of most strange and funny characters. Harsh Mittal - aka Tota like parrot wala tota, best friend of Rakshit. Dholu - the person who is made for cracking jokes upon but he never mind. Richa - most mature girl in the group who is a crush of dholu and who crushes Mudit. Mudit - the guitarist and the second most mature person of the group. Rakshit's mom - most adorable and situation handling house wife. Mr. Dubey - Hindi literature's lecturer who crushes on miss Kanika Miss Kanika - hot English literature's lecturer of their college. These are main characters of the story. Besides them, there are various characters which make the story more interesting.
12 parts