I might have erased your texts,
But I will never forget what you wrote.
We might have stopped talking,
But I will never forget your voice.
We might have stopped hugging,
But I will never forget how you smell.
Anything we did,
I will never forget.
From friends,
To absolutely nothing but complete strangers.
Who were once,
Fighting back the urge everyday,
To text you or call you,
Telling myself that if you wanted to talk to me,
You would.
Words may sting,
But silence breaks the heart.
Sitting in my room,
Slowly falling apart.
So lets ignore each other,
Try to pretend the other person doesn't exist,
But deep inside,
We still know it wasn't supposed to end like this.
When a friend did something wrong,
Don't forget all the things they did right,
Trying to stay strong for you,
Trying to fight.
The people who are meant to be in your life,
Will always gravitate back towards you,
No matter how far they wander.
Will you come back,
Will we talk again,
All the questions I can't answer,
Driving my head crazy.
So many questions,
And too less answers,
Will they be answered,
Will you come back.
I will always have,
This piece in my heart,
That smiles,
Whenever I think of you.
If we can never be together,
Keep you in my heart,
I'll stay there forever.
It's weird when you realize,
The person you once told everything to,
Now has no idea what's happening to you.
I didn't stop loving you,
I decided to stop showing you,
Because no matter how hard I try,
You don't seem to get it.
Please don't forget me,
I know you hate me,
But remember all the things we did,
I want you back.
Maybe you'll forget me,
Maybe I'm just a stranger to you.
But you have to know,
I already forgave you,
I hope you can do that too.
For you.
Highest rank: 26-11-16 #4 in spiritueel
Het is nogal moeilijk om uit te leggen waarover het gaat. Dit is een boek waarin jezelf ook inspraak hebt, je mag zelf een hoofdstuk schrijven.. Het mag ook anoniem. De bedoeling hiervan is om mensen te laten zien dat ze niet alleen zijn met hun gevoelens. Dus alle verhalen zijn welkom.