They say creative juices flow out of someone like a river whenever he comes across an inspiration.
But, inspiration, for that matter, can't be all sunny and bright and wonderful because if you've been through pain, betrayal, and sadness (plus all of their cousins), you'd know that these can also trigger that switch in anybody's creative mind just as much. Well, I was brokenhearted when I wrote these after all..
When an almost lover left me with all the bitterness in the world..
Just when I thought he would choose me, apparently, he was just leading me on to be a spare.
I thought I have found gold in him but all he was was just a pile of crap disguised to be a shiny diamond.
But he was an ass and I told myself I won't stay slumped in this mess.
So I stood and poured all my heartaches into something more productive and less destructive.
After he unbashedly trampled upon the love that I was capable of giving him..
After he broke my heart..
Here I am in all my broken heart's nakedness, unveiled, uncovered, open, free.
This is another poetry compilation entitled 'Isangdaang Tula na Hindi Makalaya'. From the title itself, we can say that this is full of unsaid thoughts that have never been spoken by the person who created this poem, hoping that the 100th piece of poetry will finally set her free. It is about the journey of moving on and forgetting about someone who used to be your home.