Jessica was 8 when she wrote a letter to her future boyfriend. She also had a rare disease that she couldnt even pronounce! (Lymphangioleiomyomytosis) In the letter she said how she would love him like he was her prince. And that she hoped he loved her too. That day she sealed the envelope and gave it to her mother and was told "if I make it to my first boyfriend give this to him on our first date" and its just that time. Jess is 15 and doing online courses for grade 10 . She practicaly has no friends other than books and the one real friend...mya. they met at and have been attached by the hip since then. Mya knows that jessica needs a little push to the social world of dating so she sets her up with someone from her support group. AUTHORS NOTE: hope you enjoy. Ps every idea completly original a d I am not copying tfios.