Everyone has a story and they are all different. Not all people want to share their story with others because they dont think that they will understand or be interested in ones experiences. I used to be that way. I used to think that everything was the same everywhere. That in different countries and cities that all the people were just alike and that there were no differences except for where you were on the planet and what language you may speak. But it isnt like that at all. The world is full of different kinds of people, and different cultures. Different ways of life. And sometimes it takes you a lifetime to figure it all out. My journey wasnt easy, it was actually quite difficult. But at the same time, it changed my life for the better and it made me who i am today. A fearless dare devil who isnt afraid to have new experiences and try different and new things. Why cant we all be like that? This is the story of my journey through life as none other than Jessica Gallagher. Or Galley as my dad calls me. Just a simple girl from a simple town in Ireland, wanting nothing more than to find herself.-xxAll Rights Reserved