In the process of a rewrite!! Soon to be: Losing the Byers "Mike! Mike!"A young feminine voice screamed out into the darkness. "Hello!"I called back. "Mike?!"The voice called out. I could tell that the voice was getting closer to me. "Hello!"I yelled out, finally being able to see the girl. "Help me!"The girl yelled out. She looked familiar, but I couldn't place where I had seen her before. "I need out!"She screamed. "Hey, hey it's ok! I'll get you out of here!"I told her trying to run closer to her, but I couldn't. I was stuck in place and she couldn't see or hear me. "Help! Help me!"She screamed. "How do you get out of here?"I questioned quietly as I looked around into the darkness. "I wish I could get you out, but I don't know how."I told whispered quietly, mostly to myself. "Find Mike."She whispered. "I need too." I then closed my eyes and focused on the sounds of her crying and screaming. "I'm so sorry, I wish I could get you out of here."I kept repeating and then she was gone.All Rights Reserved