This is a Fan Fiction about Jungkook from BTS being your best friend sence you guys were in 4th Grade going to the same school. HOW YOU MET You were just playing basketball lightning at first recess he was playing to, he saw that you suck at playing basketball because you kept getting out by people that also sucked so when it was lunch recess you were just sitting on the bench by the playground because, you didn't want to embaress yourself again until Jungkook came over and said "Hey, why are you just sitting here and not playing with your friends?" You were always that one girl that had no friends and you did nothing you don't even talk to anyone you were just lonely this was the first time anyone was talking to you "Because I have no friends..." You said "No, that is not okay, I am going to teach you how to play basketball then you go back to playing lightning an get all of those people out and win, having no friends is not okay to have n-" he got cut of by his friends starting to punch you and you whinig in pain. HIs friends just stood there. "What do you think your doing talking to Jungkook? Miss, LONLEY!" theres that word again...Lonley and it was said to you thats normal but by Namjoon one of the most popular kids in school after Jungkook who was the most popular kid in school. "Why can't she, why is she hated?" Jungkook said "Because she's ugly duh" Namjoon said. Those words hurt you badly on the inside. You clenched your teeth tightly and stood up and faced Namjoon "Okay maybe I am ugly but at least I get good grades!" you said and then walked away from them they followed you though and they kicked you to the ground and kept stepping on you it hurt really bad. Jungkook walked over to you guys and pushed the boys off of you and put you on his back and said "Hold on tight because im going to run!" then started running, you held on tight to him but not to tight.All Rights Reserved