Many years ago, I would have been sick.
An invisible sick teen, the illness won't take my life, only the people knowing about it would. An illness that takes you away, don't bother walking in public, people would see and people would know, people would shame you out.
Your family would eject you, you might never see them again, only in church praying for you, if you ever dare to go there.
I am suffering, by the reflection my family is holding, the person they think I am able to be, the person that makes my chest hurt, makes my body numb and makes me cry at night.
If there is a god above, in what I am raised to believe, Lord save me from these people who tries to save me from you, I know you're no evil, you wouldn't hurt me, I was one, one of your loved.
I can't' help myself, I gave up trying to prove myself wrong, you just give me everything I have ever missed, I don't care if I die from this, if this tear me apart, if this takes me from my family they would wish me other than this. I am not theirs anymore.
What is wrong with me?
Find out..