When you turn fourteen you will, sometime during the closest weeks, start to dream. You have never dreamed until somewhere after you turn 14. And you dream about one person. The person who is your soulmate. Of course the person you dream about might not be dreaming about you, or you'll never find him or her. There is a lot of things that can go wrong.
Castiel, just turned 14 and haven't started to dream yet. He has no idea who will be his soulmate. He's starting a new school and becomes fascinated by a boy with green eyes. Maybe he have a chance to find a friend. But what happens when that friend starts to turn up every night, in his dreams? And what will his parents say about having another gay son? He doesn't dare to tell them as Lucifer got kicked out because of just that?
Sam, 10 year old. At the same time as that Castiel turn up at the school, so does Gabriel. First Sam is just annoyed by the golden haired boy who is following him around all day but, it's the start of a great friendship which will last for over three years. But what will happen when he feels more?
Dean, 14 years old. He has dreamt about that guy with the blue eyes for over 5 month. What will he do when he finally meets him? Will he dare to tell him? What if, when Castiel starts to dream, he isn't dreaming about Dean? His parents is okay with him being gay so that's great but what should he do when Cas's parents isn't?
Gabriel, 10 years old. Starting a new school and quickly finding a person who he is determined to make his best friend. He succeeds greatly on that task. But he's not really sure what to do when he, at 13 years age, starts to get feelings for the long haired Moose.
Okay, wow. The description sounds better than the actuall story. Lol.
Very random updates, lol
Castiel Novak has social anxiety. His best friend, Hannah, helps him through it. Recently, a last name appeared on his wrist. Everyone got one, yet he still didn't expect it to be someone he didn't know. He finds a dorm in his college, having a roommate that he was terrified to talk to. Sam Winchester, who he presumed as his soulmate, absolutely terrified him.
(There's also Sabriel in here (:)
I recommend you don't read this if you need the 'TW!!", there's a lot of it spread throughout, too commonly for me to put those constantly. Warnings here: smut, abuse, suicide, murder