Hello everybody!! this is my first fan fiction, and one of my first stories tbh, so don't blame me if it's bad.
this story's about jack(septiceye) and a giant named Markiplier A.K.A Markimoo,Jack is a young and simple teenager who loved youtube! He had a dream about maybe someday being a big youtuber, and that could all come true,he had green hair on top and brown on the sides, he wasn't tall, but not to short either, he had an amazing sense of humour, and dreams of meeting a big youtuber someday!
Jack's extremely obsessive mother forces jack to sell his phone for money for their food, and as a punishment if he doesn't he's not allowed to post a youtube video ever again!! So off jack goes to sell his phone, but on the way he meats a very intriguing stranger who wants to sell him his so called "magic"... you know what, i'll let you read to find out
if you see italic and underlined writing you're reading Jacks thoughts!