February and Chris are two ordinary best friends, who attend an ordinary school, in an ordinary town. The only weird thing is: this town is in a state, in a country, on the earth, that is completely run by electricity. There is no more sun, no more moon, and no more stars. Everything is run on a worldwide power source called the Star Cord. Every morning the Cord is switched on, and electrical energy surges throughout the world, lighting up the sky. By night everyone must be in a building by curfew before it is switched off, and it all goes black. One who is not in by curfew, is stuck in the dark until morning
There's an urban legend known as "The Lucid Zone" where people's dreams come to life in the night time, even nightmares; and those who are out have the ability to control dreams they encounter. But these were only rumors that roamed the halls at Edison High, until one day, it became real for February and Chris.