Hola people.. I know, I know I have an unfinished fanfic but Normero this season was so awesome that I don't know what to do with my story anymore.. I will come back with it soon in the mean time I have penned down a one-shot.. I hope you all enjoy it.. this particular scene from the episode The Vault is one of the best of Normero.. and I can't help weep every time I watch it.. I just wanted a more detail version of it.. as in for reading of course.. there was so much power in that 4-5 minute scene.. so much said.. so much expressed by both our acting gurus! yet there was so much unspoken.. I just wanted to give words to those unsaid emotions that oozed from Vera's and Nestor's expression. So here it goes.. the scene, the dialogue, everything remains the same.. it's only an elongated version of what I feel every time I watch this scene! happy reading :) Love Sabah.All Rights Reserved