Komura was a young girl in Sunagakure, the Village of the Sand, during the Shinobi War. This is a story of trials and tribulations and some day, love.
Akino was a young boy in Sunagakure, the Village of the Sand, during the Shinobi War. To protect his sister, he would do anything, even to the point of death.
Minato was a sensei in Konohagakure, the Village of the Leaves, during the Shinobi War. Known as the Yellow Flash, he would come to know a broken family, and guide one to the light, and one to the dark.
Naruto does not belong to me, nor do the fight scenes which were written by my friend @OneEyedWolf
Inspired by the story Rewriting History Obito x Reader story.
Takes place of a girl reborned in the world of Naruto, but in the time of Kakashi's youth, when Team Minato existed. The girl's name is Amara, with no clan of her own. This clanless girl faces a life with no family and fragments of her past life to help her adapt to the new life, with unique abilities and knowledge to this world. She finds her friends from her old life along the way. while befriending most of the Naruto characters in the series
Naruto is by Masashi Kishimoto
Story by me.
Naruto characters belong to Masashi Kishimoto
my character belongs to me
friends characters belongs to them