Platform 9 3/4 gives a new beginning to many a first year. Purebloods and Muggle-borns alike. Four first year boys stood on that platform that day not knowing, that not only would their life be changed this year, but they would impact others as well. Four Boys- One didn't even expect to be here let alone make any friends. One came from a bad background but had his beliefs changed in an instant. One thought he knew exactly what he wanted from life. And the last feared he'd never fit in anywhere. If there was one thing none of them expected from this year, it was meeting each other. Only possible Jily (James/Lily) hints in this book. If your looking for WolfStar (Remus/Sirus) or any other slash, this is not the book you are looking for. Working on sorting out Plot/Confict issues. That aside, Happy Reading Potterheads! Amy Tucker⚡️All Rights Reserved