Decades after the Dovahkin defeated the evil dragon Alduin and ended Skyrim's civil war and sent out the Thalmor out of the land, once allowing the worship of Thalmos, the land is once plunged into chaos after the Knights of Skyrim is destroyed by outside forces and a civil war erupts after Thavon Stormcloak is murdered by ex-Legionairres. Many of the Knights of Skyrim were murdered by ex-soldiers that were under the guidance of Ulfric Stormcloak, though enough survived to split off into three groups, the Swordsmen, the Scouts, the Housecarls. The Swordsmen were sent out in the world to either serve individually as sell-swords or as a group of soldiers that offer assistance to anyone who requires assistance. The Scouts were sent out to find ways to end the civil war between the Stormcloaks and the Legion. While the Housecarls were sent out to help the Jarls of each Hold. Hopefully, the Knights can restart and go back to protect the province, because without them, and without the Dovahkin.... Skyrim is set on course into centuries of destruction.