Hello fellow readers! As the title suggests this is just another L x Reader lemon for all you dirty sinners!!!!! Ya, I know you guys are tired the fact that most of the fan fictions you ever so graciously stumble upon are the first ones the author has ever made, and unironically this is my first book tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!! (P.S The story belongs to meh, no stealing, swiper no swiping!) Side-note, don't expect this to be taken TOO seriously! My "creativity" and immaturity might get out of hand. Juuuust a little bit......OK who am I kidding, this is gonna be FILLED with ALOTA references and things I'm not gonna take seriously! Sorry guys that's just how its gonna be XD! Y'all can't do nothin' bout it. Side-note,Just to let you know i have the WORST gramer. (Totally spelled that right.~( ̄▽ ̄)~)No, but seriously, take a second grader that failed the FCAT writing test TWICE, tell him to spell as bad as he could while writing an essay, and HIS grammar would still be better then mine! Ok, I MIGHT be stretching the truth a bit, juuuuuuuust a little bit. but still, plz don kill meh all you Grammar Nazis. Like, I better not wake up tomorrow, and at my doorstep there are a bunch of random people with freakin' pitchforks and torches PROTESTING about how we should kill all the people with bad grammar, starting with me. I ain't having that.