Durin a battle that destroyed three quarters of Detroit, Blitzwing captures Bumblebee while the dust settles. When arriving at the Decepticon homebase, Megatron decides that he has figured out the perfect role for the young bot: Pleasurebot. As his traumatizing time as prisoner passes, he meets a young Autobot femme, no older then him, who goes by the name of Lioness. And she seems to be in the same predicament as him: Pleasurebot. Things start to get interesting when they are left alone together for long periods of time. I suck at summaries. *⚠️Warning⚠️ contains graphic descriptions of rape/sticky interfacing* IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THAT TYPE OF STUFF DO NOT READ!!!!! Disclaimer (because I'm not going to say it in the story) I co not own Transformers Animated Lioness belongs to me and can only be used if you have my permissionAll Rights Reserved