The gods are saved and as there reward all the surviving demigod's where taken to the new camp called Camp Olympus. The original seven demigods plus Nico, Will, and Thalia have lived long happy lives and now help run the camp. Erin and Lucidy are now 16 and engaged. What happens when they get called on another quest? What will happen when Void decides to fight against the demigods. This roleplay book is dead but if you have the patients I would suggest going to the first in this series and scrolling up all the comments and reading it. The writing style is obviously horrible since it's an rp but it's hilarious and actually has a relatively good plot line. (WARNING: the comments there are in the ten thousands so I would suggest using a page on safari or google search or whatever web browser you use that way you can still go about your normal stuff on Wattpad without worrying about loosing your place.)All Rights Reserved