29 parts Ongoing In the year 2070, Hajara and Sarah, two Muslim high school girls, live a normal life-until their parents reveal a shocking family secret tied to their cousins. Hajara, who's always kept her distance from boys, learns that her high school crush, Yusuf, is actually her long-lost cousin. So is Sarah's; she faces her own challenges in a world turned upside down by war. Can she still have a life with him, navigate a war, and continue her blissful life as a teenager?
As the world falls apart, Yusuf and his brother Benyamin must navigate not only the chaos of the war but also the startling discovery of their family ties. Can Yusuf achieve his dreams amidst the destruction? And how will Hajara and Sarah's lives change as they grapple with love, faith, and survival?
"Our Worlds" is a gripping tale of family, faith, and resilience in the face of global conflict, where survival means confronting the past and embracing the unexpected.