Они танцевали, не задумываясь о том, насколько безумно они выглядели в тот момент и могли ли они быть замеченными. Они наслаждались компанией друг друга, они жили здесь и сейчас, вытесняя всякие ненужные мысли из головы.
on the surface, sabrina carpenter is everything she's supposed to be: polished, perfect, straight. but when a single look from billie eilish makes something shift, the cracks in her carefully crafted image start to show. billie, who has always known exactly who she is, recognizes that look instantly. she knows what it means. and she's curious. the air between them is warm at first - just a flicker, a glance, a harmless pull. but heat rises. and once it starts, it's impossible to ignore.