Hey, my name is Amy Taylor. I was born and grew up in Melbourne, Australia. I still live here now. I love it here; it's such a beautiful place. I'd say I'm quite a popular girl at school, especially with the boys which is most likely because I'm a cheerleader. I have many friends, but I'd say my closest are the Brooks Brothers. They're the sweetest, kindest, loveliest people I have ever met. They aren't popular at school; in fact, they get bullied EVERY day. They get bullied by pretty much everyone, but mainly boys. Even teachers can be mean at times. I love them to pieces and it really does hurt to see so many people pick on my 3 best friends. I get a fair amount of shit from the bullies too. They don't bully me, they say things like 'why are you friends with those faggots' and 'you could have better friends than them, they make you look stupid.' But to be honest, I don't care what they think. I love Beau, Jai and Luke and I will stand by them no matter what. I'm 1 year older than the twins and 1 year younger than Beau. We spend most of our time in the school library because the boys feel more confident and comfortable there, but I don't mind, it's not like I want to spend my break and lunch with anyone else.