(Y/N) use to be a human, but was cursed when she did something. (Not going to say because it would spoil stuff) Now a humanoid monster who lived in a abandoned house, (Y/N) lived off of eating the souls of children who had previously lived in the house with their parents. But people stopped renting and buying the house after so many children died unknowingly. So (Y/N) was forced to leave the house once a month for food, and the souls that she ate fueled her ability to remain in human form. There was a way to break the curse. She has to bond with a child and when the month is over, they would have to judge her. Either by who she was or by her appearance. They would always judge her by her appearance. Which ended in their death. Then one day, a couple bought and moved into the house, not knowing of all the children fatalities. ...and they had a child named Jack with them... Will (Y/N) forever be cursed to eat the souls of children or will Jack judge her for who she is and not for her appearance? Warning: slight violence and some cursingAll Rights Reserved