When a group of young socialites teams up with Jack Trainor, a middle-aged businessman, they take upon themselves the task to help Bill Anderson pull the con of a lifetime: help him pretend to be Dr. Stellan Anderson, a professor of Astrophysics and award-winning author at the Bernadotte University. Dr. Anderson is scheduled to give a conference at the prestigious Caride Hotel in Manhattan on October 13th. The young women, alongside Jack and Bill, have less than a month to pull off the con.
In the meanwhile, the women encounter a problem of their own. Sophia Caride Kensington, one of the socialites involved in the scheme, daughter, and niece of the owners of the Hotel, has a few issues of her own. Her "business is business" lifestyle is thrown out of proportion when a childhood friend, Alexandre Betancourt Parke, and friend of a relative, Peter Loughlin Davies, strive to woo the heiress and become the center of her affections, all while training the illusive Pietro da Ferrara.
What will happen when you mix a con, with a free-lance writer that happens to be the son of a millionaire, alongside a British Aristocrat that also happens to be a lawyer, all while at a Manhattan Hotel? You've just come up with the fiasco worth of every cover page and center spread in every magazine, newspaper, journal, blog, and social media platform available, whilst making sure that it remains common knowledge for every Manhattanite to come.