Barry Allen, the fastest man alive. As the new protector of Central City, he doesn't have an easy job but with the help of his technical team, Cisco and Caitlin, his mentor, Harrison Wells, and his sidekick, Robin, he manages it. But what if more meta humans appear and let's not forget, the reversed Flash?
Barry Allen love story, pairing Barry with my OC, Robin Grayson.
My OC Robin Grayson is based on Richard (Dick) Grayson AKA Nightwing
I don't own the characters or the plot.
Barry Allen is an ordinary forensic scientist at the Central City Police Department. He was in his lab watching the news during a thunderstorm as the Particle Accelerator was being turned on. Everything started going bad, the power was cut and the Particle Accelerator. The Particle Accelerator unleashed unknown energy that hit Barry. Nine Months later he woke up with super speed. With the help of his friends at S.T.A.R Labs he became Central City's superhero, The Flash. Barry slowly started falling for Caitlin, a girl apart of Team Flash and his personal doctor, but never had the nerve to tell her. One day his secret slips out and it comes as a shock.
Warning - This was my first book so it's really bad and all over the place