Mark, a geeky sixteen-year-old boy in Southern California struggles with standing up for himself against a gang of bullies, while his popular twin sister, Jennifer, pushes him to stand his ground. After finally taking her advice and fighting back for the first time, Mark, in fear for his life, once again runs for safety, but this time his sister follows him. But before Rene and his gang can corner them, they find themselves pulled through a tear in reality and into another world where it has been prophesied that they would help take back the nation of Eranithia from it's current tyrannical king, Arnath. To do so, they must find a young man named Seth and convince him to rescue his twin sister, Serena, he's believed to be dead for the past decade so they can work together to take back the thrones that belong to them.
After a young blacksmith finds a golden stone in the forest, his whole world was tipped upside down. An old man from his town finds him, and they go on an adventure to destroy the Empire, who's at fault. They soon meet one of his childhood friends, and he joins the adventure, but soon his life goes in a direction he never even imagined.