My mom died 1 year ago. My family was as close knit as your favorite winter sweater, but now my dad works extra shifts and my grandma does an extra crossword a day, sitting on my smoke smelling living room couch, while ' The Price is Right ' plays quietly in the background. This doesn't sound like the perfect life does it. Actually, its not terrible. Its worse. Its dreadful, and I still fear that every morning when I wake up, something bad will catch fire in my life, and just light a bigger flame. Thats fire would grow into a larger one. A wild fire, in the forest of my life. And destroy, once again, everything in its path till all thats left is ash. Burn't scarred, and charred up into dainty pieces. Just like me. Just like my life, or like any other. But sometimes life can be good. A once in a lifetime opportunity comes along and makes your head spin, and changes everything. All I want, is that chance.