"When the whole world decided to crap out, I didn't think it would be like this."
Lydia Miles and her twin sister Roselyn, "Ross", are natural survivors, raised by a two marine parents, and living in the middle of Wisconsin woods have their perks. But while their parents are deployed on a classified mission in Washington, things begin to happen.
It's broadcasted all over the US.
A virus has begun to spread. People are attacking each other, eating each other.
Lydia and Ross stay home as long as they can, but then make the decision to find better shelter. Together the duo, and Ross's boyfriend, Elliot, travel to northern Illinois to a high school converted into a sanctuary for survivors. Throughout their time there, the girls begin to experience things such as loss, pain, sickness, and change in thinking. But along with these things comes a peace the girls haven't had before. For Ross, it's about having the freedom she has longed for. For Lydia, it's being comfortable in her own skin, and opening up about a secret.
But how long will this last? What happens when this is over? If it's ever over.