1st Book of the Trilogy Since You've Been Gone. Copyright © 2016. All Rights Reserved. _______________________________________________________ SHOUTOUT: DislocatedFile//kayla you win :P i finally decided to post. Authors Note: Hello! Names Marie or dolphin (LOOOOONG STORY) :) First of alL.... Thank you for choosing to read this book! You have no idea how happy i am!!!! I hope you give it a chance as the beginning is always the worst.... yeah i know.... ALL THE INTRODUCING OF CHARACTERS AND ALL, but please be with me! Please donut skip my "Authors Note" sign because it may (may not :P ) be very important! Due to school and balancing sports and LIFE and all, I will be updating weekly or monthly (IF THATS EVEN A WORD LOL) so yea..... (PART OF THE PROLOGUE) I finally reach the toilet when I open the door to another couple making out. I scrunch my whole face as I feel like puking my guts out when I hear another groan, I slowly close the door until I hear another voice that sounded like- "no" I mutter my voice cracking. My eyes widen as I see Jordan turn towards me in shock, a big fat tear drips down my cheek. He whispers my name"Kae-", "DONT CALL ME THAT!" I yell at him as I pour out my tears with a hand over my mouth. "You fucken man whore, once a player always a player", and with that I run out of the house, the sound of Jordan screaming my name. I run and run until I see two flashing lights and a loud horn. THEN EVERYTHING GOES BLACK...... My eyes flash open only to see the window opened and the curtains flying everywhere. Relisation hits me as I realise it was only a horrible dream. I crawl out of my bed sweaty and slowly and close the window while leaning my head against it. "stupid Jordan" I mumble.
3 parts