Here's what's up -- the fate of the world rests in your hands.
In recent years, since the evil organization H.Y.D.R.A. rose once more, and with it, a group of powerful superhumans and geniuses, danger has become more and more prominent with each coming year. The world is constantly under attack... and the heroes the world knows so well... they can't last forever... can they?
So, selected by the infamous Nick Fury, and under the leadership of the renowned Avengers, a group of 18 warriors emerge, the finest soldiers, inhumans, spies, tricksters, and thieves...
The world isn't perfect, but neither are they, so it's only fitting that the New Avengers will one day become the new defenders of Earth...
Something is stirring... but it's not disposable Marvel Villain No. 9, it's an original new collab from a variety of authors... and by variety, I mean there's two of us, @jordieblob16, and @Marvel_Grl. But we'd love to change that... WE NEED COWRITERS! If you love Marvel, and also writing, stay tuned! We have an idea... you've caught a glimpse of what it entails if you've read the blurb above and didn't just skip down to this... you slackers... (I kid -- but there will be a test later).
Yup, a new team of writers and a new team of Avengers (but you'll still see all of your favorites, don't fear) that you can be a part of! Leave a message, follow, or keep reading and you'll surely stay in the loop. Fame and fortune are at your fingertips, so feel free to let us know if you're interested in any of that... ;)
Now, I have a test to get ready...