The pinkette gave him a curious glance, "You know how to play?" She crossed her arms, "I doubt that." He rolled his eyes at her reaction. "I'm sure I play better than you do," He retorted. She sent him a competitive look, "Is that a challenge?" His usually emotionless onyx black eyes sparkled with a mischievous look. "Maybe it is. You up for a challenge, Haruno?" She scoffed. "I doubt any sound you produce will be any sort of challenge for me, Uchiha." Hey green eyes shone with excitement as she provoked her counterpart in a playful manner. He shook his head at her childish behavior and fixed his posture. Moving his hands to hover over the black and white keys, he sent her one last glance. "Just listen." ~♤~ Created on 6-8-17 She has a boyfriendAll Rights Reserved