Wits was all she ever needed, and it's all she's ever had. Lives a normal life, trying to stay entertained, but it all changes for y/n when James Moriarty came into her life. The trial that began his infatuation, and ended her sense of normalcy. But can she still be her, with a psychopath on her tail?
Also, if you don't like long metaphors, this may not be quite up your ally. Each chapter is based around a different one, starting with Chess, and I've entitled the parts appropriately. So, give it a try, see if you like it, but it is the writing style I've worked this around, so I'm sorry if it's not your thing.
I do not own any of the Sherlock characters, they belong to BBC, and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (Sebastian Moran, hugely). I only own the story line, and, well partially, you. I mean, you own yourself, but the given character arc, I own. Did that make sense? Nope. Alrighty then.
As a kidnapped victim of the one and only Jim Moriarty, you can't help but feel something when you're around him. Is this love real? Does he love you back? Or are you just another toy he'll one day throw aside?
*Mature content warning*
*I don't not own any BBC characters, if I did I'd be happy and rich*
(Yeah, uh, side note: I started writing this when I was younger and at 1 am. So sorry if this is trash)