Because I'm bad at summaries, just have the prologue:
Hi there, my name is --- --------. I can't say, and it's for a good reason. The name I'll put mine as is Luna, and this is my story.
This is my real handwriting, I was allowed to keep at least that much true. I'll have to change all my friend's names, too. For instance, I can't just go around telling people about how ------ -----, ------ ------- and I all discovered something last summer. Something crazy. And.. Something dangerous.
Anyway, time to get to my story. This is all true, except for specific names, like the name of my town, our names, code names, etc. However, I can tell you one real name: The name of our secret order. Wait.. Can't tell you about that yet, though.. It'd be a spoiler.
Like I said earlier, my story starts last summer..