Fear is our greatest enemy; no matter how tough you are or no matter how stronger you are, there is still darkness that you afraid, there are still dread that must conquer and there are still trepidation that we must overcome and that is the mechanism of fear for Pete's sake. In fear, we also struggle some instances including heartaches, sorrowful atmosphere, judgment, unfairness, hurt and also pain. They say, pain make us stronger, make us tougher to face some instances, problems and odds in our lives but pain make our lives became messed up and the one who is the reason of all of this is love. Fear in love is our greatest enemy, you can run but you can't hide because love is our nature, it is nature of every endeavor.
Love is a stupidest mistake that we done, love is for idiot and stupid people. Why people always love someone if they know they'll just get hurt in the end? Why people get dumb when they broken and they look like a shit? Revenge is futile but then revenge also is a product of that love, why people get vengeance? Why people always setting of scores when they are broken? Payback, reprisal and retribution are needed in love, in heartbreaks?
Why people need love? Is it because they are hopeless about it like hopeless romantic people? Or it is because they need love because they want happiness? But you see, all of this love, all of this hopes and all of this happiness are meant to be tear apart in the end, so why people always believe in that stupid love, in that temporary happiness even all of this will vanish in the end? Believing in love are also believing in forever, but if that love is the stupidest mistake that you done then you are a jerk to believe that there are still forever, how hypocrite you are?
Love is full of stupidity and idiotism, all people who believe in this fucking love is also a jerk, idiot and stupid people.
~ Colli Maxx Intrefrece