Sakura Kagome (Kagome Sakura) is a loner. She doesn't have much friends, except a girl named Asako Yukimura, and she likes to observe people from a safe distance. She doesn't get involved in much things, more interested in a certain hobby.
Sakura keeps a diary on her cellphone. No one, except Asako, knows about it. She writes about everything she sees and her surroundings. It's a hobby that she does everyday, which is why she always carries her phone around in case she wants to write on it.
But then, an unexpected change occurs in her life.
A zombie apocalypse causes her to lose her family, and have no one, except for Asako. It seems like most hope is lost for her.
But with bad things, good things must also come.
Her cellphone diary somehow acquires the ability to predict the future. But not just any future. Her diary can predict what she will see, the future of the people she sees and also give accurate details about her surroundings. It now seems that there is hope that she and Asako will survive. And to make things better, Asako also acquires a Future Diary. Hers can predict anything that happens to Sakura (which honestly kind of scares Sakura).
But with the abilty to predict the future also comes a price. Sakura and Asako must guard their diaries with their lives, or they will die.
Also, they aren't the only diary holders around...
Will they survive the apocalypse? Who can they trust?
Note: This story inspired by the anime "Mirai Nikki". It's an awesome anime, you should watch it if you haven't yet!