Craig is a simple 17 year old boy to the world around him, however on the inside, things get more complicated. He has lived his life thus far with few emotions and little understanding of the ones he does have, he is a masochist, and developed dissociative identity disorder when he was much younger. His second personality is the more violent, sadistic and psychotically unhinged version of himself, with the sole purpose of satisfying its undying urge to inflict pain onto others. Craig lost it once and people got hurt, leaving him out on the street. With so little emotion, survival is not a problem, he takes what he wants and allows no one to stand in his way, however when he saves a childs life from almost being killed, his ability to withstand his second self's sadistic urges will truly be put to the test. --I am currently continuing to write the book, the rest will be updated when the book is finished--