Based on a true story.
At the age of twelve, Ana had survived a traumatic brain injury. Although, at the time she didn't know the extent of her injury because of neglect from doctors at the ER. Because of this, Ana's brain suffered permanent damage. Join Ana on her journey towards to recovery and the acceptance of her new brain, battling struggles, set backs, and neglect along the way. Learn about her life before the injury as well as after. Will Ana be able to feel her old self again? Or will the Ana she once knew be only but a foggy, distant memory?
(From Part Three: The Reborn)
It's dark, everything is dark. Then I open my eyes. It feels as though you're waking up from a deep sleep. You just had a confusing dream, and now you're awakening to reality for the first time. Your vision is blurry as your eyes are adjusting to the light. But, it's not your bedroom you see. It's not your nightstand, sun kissed walls, or morning beauty. Instead, it's blurry blobs of people standing all around you, looking down on you as if you had just awoken from unconsciousness. Oh wait, I was unconscious. What happened? How long have I been out? What is this deafening ringing in my ears? I can't hear anything. Anyone! Even though I know they are talking to me. And why does everything have fuzzy edges? What are all these rainbow colours and crystals everywhere? Oh God, am I on drugs? No, I can't be... Holy crap! Am I dying?!
Then you feel the pain. Oh God! It feels as though the back of my head has sunken in, pulsating in pain like an ice pick jabbing at my skull and made its way through to my brain. Please, make it stop! Wait, where's my body? I think for a moment. Oh... It's attached. Thank goodness.
The blobs of people part at one side. A larger, taller blob breaks through. As they bend down they become more clear. Dark brown hair, just past shoulder length, and tied neatly into a pony. Long face with glasses. I know who this is! Oh yes, help me, please!