This book will contain: facts,pictures,
short stories,poems,videos,quotes, and anything else we can think of!
Mature for violence and horror.
Note: There may be a few facts/stories that will inculde horror, but we are not trying to disrespect Disney in any way.
Book by: Horror-Queen, RulerOfTheDragons, and SmallCarousel.
"Being someone who has researched the history of Disney from corner to corner, and Walts life along with it, I can assure you there was nothing dark about Disney during Walts time. Anything you might've heard, especially if found online, was a lie- and simply made up and spread around for attention. Even so called dark animations found and comics can be proven fake, in this day in age with all the talented artists and photo shop it would be extremely easy to edit an animation, or even a comic. The only things that ever came close to being true were things such as 'suicide mouse' comics, which keep in mind weren't seen as horrid, dark things back then. We have higher standards today. Such as even in the 80s a movie with fowl language would be seen as PG, even G. While now it would be rated PG13 or higher. Plus, keep in mind back then Disney wasn't a company. It was just one man and one or two of his buddies trying to make a living off of little comics. In fact, it could've even been Ub making comics like those- who also created Mickey Mouse with Walt. So without further ado, any 'dark facts' in this book are facts found during this day in age, not back when Walt was alive."-SmallCarousel