I walked into the bathroom and sighed, I never liked the person in the mirror. they called me beautiful, amazing personality, perfect smile, Honor roll. But I'm invisible to this world, I have my group of friends I have an older brother and I have a younger sister, my parents are happily married. Yet I'm suffering, I'm trapped in a world that I can't escape, I'm drowning below a surface that no person can survive and no one understands.
He looked at me today, no smile, no nod, no smirk or wink. But a stare as if he was trying to figure me out as if someone like me would talk to someone like him and he knows that. I'm just regular, simple, typical, well ordinary that's how most people see me if they care. Everyday he looks back at me and everyday I look back. His smooth slick dark brown hair, and tan skin with blue eyes never seems to not make a girl melt he always has an affect on someone no matter their clique.
I'm not popular but I'm no loser I'm in the middle I mix with every group. if their in my class I'll talk to them, popular girls aren't what they seem like in the movies my friend Kaylie is an amazing friend and she is popular. Geeks are basically wanted with their smartness. But Lexis is different he has standards he has boundaries. So do I.
No one thinks I'm some girl with complete insecurity or who crys herself to sleep, or who has panic attacks daily. No one knows about me eating one meal a day or the fact that I'm self harming not always. people see me as a cheerful yet ordinary girl. I don't let things go to the extreme I don't completly starve myself. His blue eyes sometimes make my day and I have no clue as into why.
*Mature Contact*
*Sexual Contact*
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Det er aldrig hans mening at såre hende, men hun er en engel og han er en mørk sjæl. Det er meningen, at han skal dræne hendes lys. Men er hun stærk nok til at lyse for dem begge to?
"Jeg kan ikke bevæge mine mundvige, eller noget som helst. Jeg hader at have det sådan her. Jace blinker og bryder øjenkontakten. Kort efter bliver han omringet af pigerne. Det er så typisk, men jeg ved, at han kan lide opmærksomheden. Han ånder og lever for pigernes underliv, dog er det nok mere omvendt; Pigerne elsker ham.."
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