Hi. So.... yeah. I'm making a random art book. So... you want to know how this works? Ok.
Everyday I'm gonna add a picture that I randomly drew. Some I might of done intentionally. Actually, most might me intentional. But still, back to the point, at the end of everyday I will take pictures of my drawings and put them into a chapter/part thingy. I will upload the chapter/part thingy at the end of each day.
Hope this is enjoyable.
Ps: I might.... might.... put something random in. But, like I said, I might. Might. Focus on that word, might. And by random, I'm mean.... write something like a quote or sentence that I make up. Just some things that might be in my other stories. I'm a spoiler like that.
You can't stop me if I do. But I'll try stop myself. :3
Do not ask about the front cover. It's just me being random.
Mine sorte øjne flakker ned på mit lille armbåndsur for sidste gang, 00:00.
"Jeg elsker dig." Siger han pludseligt
"Jeg elsker dig mere." Siger jeg tilbage.
"Umuligt." Siger han bare.
Vores tid er udløbet, vores døgn er gået...
Så vi ligger der, på et gråt tæppe.
Ligger og kigger op i himlen, kigger på stjernerne, kigger efter en som skiller sig ud.
En stjerne som er dem, dem som kommer tilbage og henter os hjem igen...