Nothing Without Love
Dedicated to My Grandma Who Passed away due to Cancer and dream was to see the Grand Canyon we miss you and love you.
I was told all my life you must find love or you will never will accomplish anything special in life.But screams seemed to fulfill most people's life's now,prisoners walked the fence.No one talked just walked,people would yell for us to do something like a bratty five year old banging on the glass for a python to move,that's asleep.Why?
Well people hated Light Phoenixes,we were know as pest.We look like normal humans but, we had powers barely known to men and we also had wings.We were told to show our powers for research but did any one no not really and the ones who did were either show offs or they were scared to find out what happen if they didn't.I know what happens if you don't show your powers the most,eh just punishment.
By punished I mean no food and sometimes a beating,my best friend said 'Eyes Of Black Still Hold Light' before he was taken.I loved him he was my only friend.Without him here nothing seemed right I hated being told to do powers,half of us didn't know much about our powers.No one had names and if they did know one knew them.We called each other Wyvern and Casper,he had been my best friend since my parents deaths.His parents still lived here we don't talk much but more of every once and awhile.